
This is a question I get sometimes when I consult with people individually about opening their juice bar. The answer is really as much as you are willing to invest in terms of your time, energy and financial resources. The juice business is relatively easy to scale.
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I get this question a lot; what is the optimal juice for my juice bar? As usual with these kinds of questions, the answer is that it depends. How much traffic will your store be getting at peak hours? How much refrigeration space will you need? How much storage will you need for dry ingredients?
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Are you ready to start your own juice business? Are you needing to get clear on the tangible steps that are needed for you to successfully open your own juice bar?Here we will share an overview of the things you need to do in order to open this business effectively.
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It’s definitely a lot easier than a full blown restaurant. I get emails from people all the time saying they’re really interested in taking the leap of faith into their juice bar, but there are a few things they’re unsure about.
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If you haven’t asked yourself the question, “Should I be running cleanse programs at my juice bar?”, it's something you should consider. In this article I am going to share some key insights as to what you need to consider as it pertains to offering cleanse programs in your business.
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What’s the truth about the juice industry? Well there are a few big ones and not everyone is talking about them. Especially if you are seriously considering getting into this business, these are things that you will want to make yourself aware of. Having been in this industry for nearly a decade I want to...
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In this article I am going to share some of the key elements that must be present in a good business plan. At the end of the article I will offer some potential solutions to developing a comprehensive business plan, that you will be confident to show to investors or banks.
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I want your juice bar to succeed because the world needs it.Often times people start juice bars purely because they are passionate about juice and health. Their hearts are really in the right place.The unfortunate thing is they have no business background, dive into the juice bar business, and fail.
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I want to share a unfortunate but true story with you...A few years into running my business, I hired one of LA's most experienced juice bar consultants to work at one of my stores. This is someone who helped many local juice bars launch. He was a great guy with a lot of experience.  He had...
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One decision you will need to make before you launch your juice bar is whether to use glass bottles or plastic. I personally lean toward glass for a few reasons.
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